Unadulterated delight in each bite – Renuka Bangha

Unadulterated delight in each bite - Renuka Bangha

This story of cake started one year ago, when I made a rainbow cake for this girl which was ordered by her mom, and this was her first birthday after marriage. After that order, these both families(girl’s in-laws and parents) kept regular contact with me and ordered many cakes and also gave reference to their near and dear ones. This year I was waiting to get order from her mother or husband for her birthday cake, but no body came up. But I was desperate to design a cake for my this special client any how, coz she has been my favorite not because I got many orders behind that, but she has be very sweet to me and always encouraged me with to come up different flavours and designs. Finally when I didn’t get any call for her birthday cake, I thought to bake a cake and gift her from my side, and of course with unique flavour. And finally I designed this simple but a beautiful with mix flavors for her.




I took a simple vanilla sponge oil based ( you can refer to any sponge from net of vanilla) Main thing was to enhance the flavour,for which the following ingredients can be included Blueberry crush, chopped dark chocolate and white chocolate compound, dark chocolate ganache, coffee, fresh cream( whipped cream), sugar.

Step 1: Make coffee confaction( mixture of hot water,sugar and coffee)let it cool.

Step 2: Sliced the sponge in four layers

Step 3: Chop white chocolate and dark chocolate compound,

Step 4: Take a batch of whipped cream and divide it in three parts.Add blueberry crush in one part of whipped cream, dark chocolate truffle in another batch and keep third batch for covering the cake.

Step 5: Soak all the layers of sponge with coffee confection, alternatively cover one layer with blueberry missed whipped cream and sprinkle white chocolate chopped, put second layer spread chocolate cream of ganache and whipped cream, sprinkle dark chocolate chopped(you can take

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