Is it a Paradox? - Sanjana Desai
Food for thought ! R we what were born as or what we have been conditioned to become over a period of time . This is especially for the woman in Indian culture. From the time a girl is born till her passing over to another realm every step is monitored . She is told what is good for her or what everybody else perceives would be good for her. Her goals ( if any ) are not her own.We fit in the role models set for us. All our lives are spent to live up to the expectations of people around us. How many of us even know what we really want to do or what we are truly. We are so caught up in the vicious circle of pleasing all that we no longer remain in touch with our own inner self Am sure ever woman has a tale to tell about the detours and speed breakers in her life to reach where she is today . The turbulence of being steered to a chosen path. I wonder if she ever sits back and speculates if this is her real calling ! If she ever connects with her inner self and soul and finds a completely different person lying submissively under the tons of layers of expectations and conditioning to be . Ever wondered how that real inner self would have grown without any such other influences? Just an introspection .