Are we Emotionally Intelligent Enough? -Bhupinder Kumar
We our constantly being afflicted by , our emotions ( at times we call them personal issues) . They even colour our thought process and become very decisive ones .Most of the times, an unpleasant experience can be reflected immediately in the body in one way or another, while blocking out all logical and sensible reasoning in the mind.
When we really do not understand our own emotional reactions well , we consequently, are unable to resolve the conflicting situations that arise and fall into the trap of emotional challenges.
We are all humans and face emotional challanges or difficulties. We can learn from the experience and advice of others; we can prepare ourselves to face the difficult circumstances of existence, but nothing is comparable to the living practice of what we have learned. Life as a teacher, it helps us bring into play our best potentials; if we see life as an enemy, it will only be a long path of problems, especially personal problems.
It teaches in a direct manner, attacking where it hurts us most, in order to force us into a necessary reflection. We could make an inexhaustible list of problems.
There are family-related problems, as there is not always a clear understanding amongst family members. There are also existential problems, since some people worry about destiny, about the inner being, about the universe in which we find ourselves and a thousand “whys” concerning our individual and collective place in the world. And, above all, there are sentimental problems when we don’t have good relationships with others and when no satisfactory love or friendships appear.
In general, our attitude when facing a problem is to look for easy and quick solutions that do not involve using our own will. We turn to people we know, and ask for help wherever we can… But those who look for the solution outside themselves, and especially those who set out from the principle that life is unjust for causing them such misfortunes, find themselves blocked by problems. Negative emotions take over, ideas become more and more confused, the body starts to reflect anxiety and the problem begins to take on the magnitude of an impassable mountain. All that remains is pain, despair, irritability and aggression towards others for whatever share of blame they might have… In short, an immense pit that becomes deeper and deeper and more and more difficult to get out of.
The answer lies in rising above the problem and the pain.
If we know that the root of the difficulty is on the emotional plane, we have to work with our mental energy to overcome the negative emotional atmosphere. It may seem difficult at first, but everything is difficult until we try it for the first time. We have to make the effort to take a step up, to rise above the clouds and to reach the clarity of our own understanding. It is true that we all are not wise, but we all have a wealth of more or less important experiences that enable us to look for feasible answers to the problem we face. It is necessary to reach into our bag of solutions: some might not work, others can be partly valid, and there will be some that work out very well. By trying and trying, can acquire new experiences that will be useful for future occasions.
We are not just a bundle of emotions and passions; we also have the intelligence to observe “from the outside” and create your own path.