Japanese Cuisine

Japanese Cuisine

Japanese udon ( A thick Noodle soup ) does not taste anything like Chinese or even the Vietnamese pho. Miso soup (Japanese) is practically a bowl of salt water, but their best flavours come from sushi (as teriyaki meat is just that: Meat with teriyaki sauce); you want to experience the clean, crisp subtle flavor of the slightly sweet and vinegary rice mixed with fresh, uncooked (sometimes cooked, but it depends on what you get) fish
Japanese love their fish and beef (raw or medium raw)and their wasabi .. .

Traditional Japanese cuisine are light in flavour/taste, Japanese love their fish and beef(raw or medium raw and their wasabi..in terms of presentation, Japanese cuisine also puts in a lot of effort in its presentation of a set meal, makes uses of small bowls and rectangular trays to separate each small dish on the main tray for the set meal. They also stand out as “small in amount, but highly aesthetic” in presentation. I’d say this is the most significance that sets Japanese cuisine aside from all the above mentioned cuisines in Asia. Most of the others, Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, Korean etc all prefer to mix things together when they cook.


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